The Lavish Love of the Father: Part 2

Sunday, November 29, 2015 ()

Bible Text: Luke 15:25-32 | Series:

The Lavish Love of the Father: Part 2 (Luke 15:25-32)

1. The Cause for Celebration
A. The father had a good reason to celebrate.
B. The older son also had a good reason to celebrate.
2. Then Demand for Fairness
A. We don’t get to question the worthiness of sinners to repent.
B. We must not question the character of the Father in forgiving.
3. The Attitude of a Slave
A. You can’t serve your way into a relationship with God.
B. All pleasing service to God is an extension of a deep delight in God.
4. The Response of the Father
A. He went out to the older son.
B. He entreated the older son.
C. He affirmed the older son.
D. He spoke truth to the older son.

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