Jesus Is the True Vine – John 15:1-8

Sunday, October 6, 2019 ()

Bible Text: John 15:1-8 | Series:

Jesus Is the True Vine (John 15:1-8)

1. A Relationship with Jesus
A. You need an intimate relationship with Jesus.
B. You need an abiding relationship with Jesus.

2. A Responsibility to Bear Fruit
A. You’ve been prepared for this purpose.
B. You’ve been purposed for this task.

3. A Reaction to Unfruitfulness
A. Fruitless people are declared spiritually dead.
B. Fruitless people should heed the warning of judgment.

4. A Reward for Fruitfulness
A. The Christian will be pruned for greater effectiveness.
B. The Christian will pray powerful prayers.
C. The Christian will bring glory to God.
D. The Christian will prove their faith.

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